Monday, May 18, 2020

A Motivational Note From Our Founder, Anna Runyan - Classy Career Girl

A Motivational Note From Our Founder, Anna Runyan When I was in 3rd grade, I started a Save the Earth Club. By middle school, I was organizing food for the homeless, teaching Sunday school, and visiting local nursing homes. As a teenager, I was leading anything I could. I was passionate about youth in government, our high school seatbelt challenge, and leading church mission trips. And then college happened. I studied abroad, got straight A’s, worked three internships and was completely confused about what I  wanted to be when I grew up. I thought I did everything right but felt stuck and confused. So I took the first job that came along. I worked for a top consulting company for eight years.  I climbed the corporate ladder. I traveled all around the country. I made an impact. I was challenged. But I was still unhappy, confused and stuck. Then something changed. I started a blog, sold an online course (before I even created it)  and found my passion. I chose to write and teach about what I loved. It didn’t matter what I was teaching; I just loved sharing my knowledge with  others. On an average day, I would wake up early, blog, go to my day job  and  then teach at night. The beauty of it is this. I was taking baby steps and imperfect action every single day inspired by multiple books, classes, websites, and coaches I was working with. I was learning about my purpose, interests, and improving my health and life balance. Then, I had this lightbulb moment. Today’s ambitious women  thrive in a  community, supporting one another to reach our goals and dreams. Why did I have to search so many places (and pay so much money) to find the support and education that I wanted in my career and life? If life is all about balance, why wasn’t there ONE place that balanced everything I needed for my career success, happiness, health and life FOR me?  Why couldn’t all this be in one place for this busy, classy mama? I think it can. That’s why I started CCG. There’s  a revolution that celebrates the balance of work, health, personal development, beauty, motherhood, fashion, money, food, travel, and lifestyle. Some say it’s impossible. Well, I happen to believe that  anything is possible. Our community may range from young professionals to second career changers, from fast climbing corporate gals to empire-building entrepreneurs. We all carry the same life-long desire to find the career we were born to do, to be happy and to live a life of meaning. We hope to be a place where each woman can thrive and make a difference. Thank you for joining us in this journey and we cant wait to see what happens next! Love, Anna Runyan P.S. We are also excited to announce  new opportunities for guest contributors and interns if you are interested! ??

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